Monday, June 27, 2011

Peonies in My Garden

I have 12 Peony plants in my garden which sounds like a lot, but I love the plant so much I want more. Six of them I bought from Klehm's Song Sparrow three years ago, four of them are from my mother's garden in Indiana, and the other two I purchased last spring at the Friends School Plant Sale.

Last year a late spring frost killed all the buds so I babied them this year to make sure the same thing didn't happen. Six of the twelve bloomed this year (the ones from Klehms are still "young"). Here are the five I was able to photograph. Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt has the strongest fragrance...really nice!

Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt

Pastel Sunrise

Burma Joy

Coral Charm


Billie Jo said...

Beautiful! One of my (many) favorite flowers!

Jennifer Kirby said...

Mine too!